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Operations Team

Dr Brian McGregor
Medical Secretary

Brian fulfils the role of Senior Professional Representative of constituent General Practitioners and is responsible for the delivery of leadership and support to the clinical officer team of YORLMC, alongside pastoral support.  Over the last 2/3 years pastoral work has increased significantly. This work is done confidentially so GPs/practices will be unaware of the amount of support being given to individuals behind the scenes.

In addition to his clinical leadership role, Brian supports YORLMC’s Wellbeing, PCN and Portfolio GP workstreams, and acts as clinical advisor when necessary to other workstreams.  He also works closely with the Chair of YORLMC’s Board to promote equity and equality and an environment free from harassment, bullying and discrimination.  

Brian is the elected GPC member for North Yorkshire and Bradford and Chair, BMA Yorkshire regional council (YRC).

Brian also works 2 days a week as a GP.  He is a Director of YORLMC Ltd and of LMC Services Yorkshire CIC.


Stacey Fielding

Director, GPMplus



Stacey is the operational lead for services delivered by GPMplus. She has had a key role in the development and delivery of YORLMC’s Wellbeing workstream, aiming to support wellbeing, resilience and retention of General Practice staff. As part of this workstream Stacey has developed the General Practice Mentoring plus programme alongside Clinical Wellbeing Leads, providing support to practice teams through mentoring services and wellbeing education. Stacey had worked in the NHS for 11 years before joining YORLMC in 2015.

Stacey is a Director of LMC Services Yorkshire CIC.

Kate Mackenzie
Communications Officer - YORLMC Ltd

As Communications Officer, Kate leads on enhancing YORLMC engagement with GPs and practices and widening the range of communications with constituents and external stakeholders. Kate is also responsible for raising awareness of the YORLMC brand and the new and existing services available to access from YORLMC as well as GPMplus, the trading name of LMC Services Yorkshire CIC

Kate’s role also include internal communication, pulling together themes across the organisation and ensuring strong links between all parts of the Operations Team, Officers and Members of the 2 LMC Committees. Kate has been part of the Operations Team since 2014, supporting North Yorkshire & York and more recently Bradford & Airedale, and has a background in campaigns and communications.

Simon Berriman
Executive Officer - GPM Plus

Simon supports the Wellbeing services delivered by GPM plus and has a key role in the development and delivery of YORLMC’s Wellbeing workstream. 

Simon is the first point of contact for mentoring and wellbeing education requests.

Simon has been an Operations Team member since 2015 and has previously supported North Yorkshire and Bradford & Airedale Branches.

Jack Burgess
Strategy and Organisational Development Officer          


At a time of development for YORLMC and GPMplus and as the offer to GPs and practices is significantly increased, Jack provides strategic input to the Directors of YORLMC Ltd, LMC Services Yorkshire CIC which trades as GPMplus and their respective Boards. That support includes organisational, policy and strategy development work.

Jack is also the Operations lead for the GPAS and system pressures workstream, providing data to strengthen the voice of General Practice.

Jack joined the Operations Team in November 2021, having had five years' experience in several operational NHS roles.

Ariana Frankis
Executive Officer - ICSs

Ariana co-ordinates YORLMC’s system level work across both Humber and North Yorkshire and West Yorkshire ICSs, working alongside YORLMC Officers, neighbouring LMCs and other Primary Care partners.

Ariana also has a key role in developing YORLMCs GP trainee workstream, increasing awareness and engagement with GP trainees across the YORLMC area. She is also leading on the development programme for YORLMC members, providing an enhanced induction for new members as well as offering opportunities for existing members to grow in their roles.

She joined the Operations Team In September 2019 following many years in the dental industry.

Sandra Warriner
Executive Officer - North Yorkshire & York Place

Sandra works closely with the North Yorkshire & York Officers to plan agendas, produce meeting papers and co-ordinate their distribution for Locality meetings. Sandra is a first point of contact for queries relating to North Yorkshire and York GPs and practice teams.

Sandra also supports YORLMC's environmental workstream and is a point of contact for environmental resources and developments.

Sandra joined the Operations team in 2020 and has a background in teaching and Local Authority SEN assessment and review.

Natasha Ori-Orison
Executive Officer - Bradford & Airedale Place


Natasha provides operational support to the Bradford & Airedale Branch of YORLMC to ensure strong links between LMC Officers, committees and constituents. Natasha works closely with the BA LMC Officers to plan meeting agendas and collate and disseminate information. Natasha is the first point of contact for queries relating to BA GPs and practice teams.

Natasha also tracks and collates workforce data as part of YORLMCs projects to support Practices.

Natasha joined the Operations Team in June 2022 having previously worked in the NHS for over 12 years.

Nicola Brownlow
Committee Support Officer

Nicola provides administrative support to enable the smooth functioning of the LMC Committees. This includes project planning, supporting LMC meeting follow up and carrying out research to inform responses to queries received from GPs and members of practice teams.

Nicola is also a point of contact for the environmental resources and developments.

Nicola joined the Operations Team in December 2019 and previously held the role of Business Support Officer.

Linzi Oldfield
Business Support Officer

Linzi provides dedicated business support to ensure the smooth running of business operations. This includes support for the Medical Secretary.

Linzi joined the Operations Team in May 2023.

Tim Bennett
Business Support Project Officer - GPMplus

Tim provides dedicated business support to ensure the smooth running of business operations for GPMplus.

Tim joined the Operations Team in May 2023.

July 2024

The voice for NHS GPs and Practice Teams across North Yorkshire, the City of York, Bradford, Airedale, Wharfedale & Craven districts.