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General Practice Forward View (GPFV)

The GPFV sets out that it should be investing £2.4 billion a year up to 2021, into General Practice. This investment is designed to be used to stimulate development of at scale providers for improved access, stimulate implementation of the 10 high impact actions to free up GP time, and secure sustainability of General Practice.

YORLMC welcomes any funding or support for General Practice but recognises that it is difficult to keep track of what is available and how the different pots of money relate to one another. YORLMC continues to map the funding pledged in the GPFV and through its liaison structure is discussing with the CCGs and NHSE the most appropriate ways for practices to access the complex funding support streams that now exist. This enables YORLMC to share information with the GPC as it continues to take stock nationally of the progress being made from a General Practice perspective. The information shared also helps inform the GPC’s discussions with NHS England.

The GPC’s GP Forward View Guidance for practices is detailed and comprehensive and is intended to be a reference tool for practices and we encourage you to make the time to read it through.


April 2018

The voice for NHS GPs and Practice Teams across North Yorkshire, the City of York, Bradford, Airedale, Wharfedale & Craven districts.