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Collective Action



The BMA GP Committee for England (GPCE) is in formal dispute with NHS England and Government, with the ballot in March 2024 showing over 99% of GPs voting to reject the proposed contract.  The recent non statutory GP partner ballot regarding possible collective action had a turnout of 67.7% turnout, with 98.3% voting in favour of taking some form of collective action, starting from 1st August.  The BMA survival toolkit  lists the various actions practices can choose from.  

The purpose of this collective action is twofold:

  • To try and support GPCE in negotiations nationally with DHSC and NHSE to get a better contract that provides much needed stability and hope for our profession, to stem the tide of GPs leaving the profession and practices handing back their contracts
  • To take control of your own individual practice circumstances to ensure that what you are doing is sustainable and safe.  

These resource packs are designed to help support initial discussions at practice, PCN or locality level.  They include:

  • Local interpretation of 10 BMA options
  • A list of local options available to you based on interface queries 
  • Templates to use for certain situations

YORLMC is not a trade union and cannot direct you to take any specific actions.  It is our role to inform you of the various options open to you, and we are of course available to have any individual discussions or answer any individual questions.  Please contact the LMC directly on for anything related to collective action. 


The voice for NHS GPs and Practice Teams across North Yorkshire, the City of York, Bradford, Airedale, Wharfedale & Craven districts.